Executives are becoming more worried about international agreements that require hypersensitive data. These oversensitive data files -the crown jewels of companies — carry the chance of falling into inappropriate hands as they usually contain monetary information, personal data or trade secrets. This kind of data, whether lost, misused, or illegally obtained, could negatively impact the country’s security, federal programs, and the privacy of individuals under the Privacy Act. See also controlled nonclassified information (CUI).

The information is classified as moderately sensitive. Although there is a legal obligation to protect this type of data, it would only cause minor harm to the people and organisations involved. It includes building plans information and donor records, information regarding intellectual property, IT service information, visas and other travel documents as well as security information. Internationally operating businesses need to classify and determine the information that falls under HIPAA’s PHI regulations, GDPR’s regulations for PI and LGPD’s NY SHIELD, CCPA and more, and ensure that it is securely stored across borders.

To ensure hypersensitive files are secure, businesses should implement a variety of best practices, such as labeling, cataloging, and disaster recovery both on and off site as well as monitoring for any signs of potential issues. One method to accomplish this is through digital data rooms software program. This program lets businesses store and share documents with other companies in a data room secure cloud-based environment.